Digital marketing is a necessity for any business. As of July 2020, almost 4.57 billion people were active internet users, encompassing 59 percent of the global population. This confirms the fact that your customers are online, which makes digital marketing one of the most sought industries nowadays.
However, there’s one obstacle you need to get through. And that would be complexity.
You see, digital marketing isn’t easy. It involves many roles, approaches, and channels you can explore.
And thus, you’re often outsourcing that work to a specialist – being the “digital marketer.”
So below, we’ll go through the roles and basics of what a digital marketer should be doing. .
Getting started as a digital marketer
A digital marketer designs and applies marketing strategies – but they do so in the online world.
And there are THREE types of strategies that a digital marketer design, those being…
- Branding
- Traffic/ Lead generation
- Sales
Each strategy has its own set of purposes and KPIs (which stands for Key Performance Indicators) But overall, the previous 3 strategies mesh together, and you can’t have one without the other!
But let’s look at each role in-depth…
First: A digital marketer grows your brand.
When marketing your business, you need to give your customer selling points, and business branding is about creating a comprehensive message for your company and product or service, using names, logos, slogans, copy and other collateral.
How to develop a brand.
You can break down branding a company into three core phases:
- Brand Strategy
- Brand Identity
- Brand Marketing
You can check the following article to help you develop a unique and memorable brand identity.
Second: They help you generate leads.
A lead is any person who indicates interest in a company’s product or service in some way, shape, or form. Lead generation is the process of attracting and converting prospects into someone who has indicated interest in your company’s product or service. There are a multitude of tools . digital marketers can use to generate leads like:
- Blog
- Social Media
- Email marketing <>
- Run a giveaway or contest
- influencer campaigns
- Offer premiums
- optimize web pages for conversions
And the list goes on and on….
You can also use paid marketing campaigns to help you generate leads:
- Planning online ad campaigns.
- Picking keywords, websites, and PPC ads.
- Writing ad content and sales page.
- Designing marketing funnels.
This might seem like a lot of work…
Generating leads is the hands-on work of marketing, and you’ll need a lot of research and planning skills to be successful.
For example, your digital marketer needs to know effective from defective marketing strategies.
And as a result, they always need the best analytic tools to analyze your online presence, while finding ways to improve it.
Not to mention, they need to stay up-to-date with the new trends in online marketing, search engine algorithms, and statistics!
That’s a lot to do, and it’s something you as a business owner don’t have time for!
Third: Digital marketer helps with conversions
Turning your potential lead to a sale, is a critical skill that a digital marketer must learn.
For that, you’ll need good copywriting skills, excellent customer service, and channels to show off customer support and after sale services that you provide – this would also help you maintain your customers and turn them into loyal clients.
Again, that requires expertise. It takes time to be a good salesman, whether online or offline!
Now you can see…
A digital marketer’s job isn’t a walk in the park.
Their job involves the hard work of analyzing your website, designing your social media pages, and your advertising campaigns.
Plus, they’ll write your blog’s content, while finding the best ways to market and promote them.
It’s a lot of work. But with the help of an expert, it all pays off in the end!
If you need help with branding your business, generating leads or converting, reach out to us.