The Positive Effects of Coronavirus on Digital Marketing

Got a business to keep afloat in the midst of coronavirus?

Many people do. And the times we live in are rough, since there’s less market activity, and more people going into unemployment.

And that means less customers for you – which leads to a drop in revenue.

But No Worries

While coronavirus is a disaster, it does bring a few pros – especially in terms of digital marketing.

We’ll explore those below, and we’ll show how you (as a business) can benefit from the current pandemic!

First – Less Advertising Competition.

Many businesses are sinking, and that means less ads are being bought.

And with “less demand for ads,” you get “lower prices for ad spaces.” You also get lower prices for keywords!

Affordable Digital Marketing

Competition has always been a problem in digital marketing.

First, the SEO keywords that get you to Google’s top pages are expensive. You’ll pay a lot to get your PPC ads listed on those query results.

Plus, those keywords aren’t just price-competitive. They’re also competitive in terms of views.

So during content creation, and you use those keywords, you’ll need more time for that content to rank!

But with less competition, you can now explore those high-competition keywords, where you’ll need less time to rank!


Second – Less Time to See Results

One of the problems with digital marketing is that it’s a “multi-month investment.”

The SEO pages of your content marketing take time to rank. It takes you a while to see results (especially as an online startup).

But with the coronavirus pandemic, we believe that should change. Expect a reduced curve in time required to rank online!

In fact, this is the perfect time to seriously expand on digital marketing. After all…


More People Are Online

With less businesses staying afloat, and more quarantined people spending time on the internet, you get more views, and in less time!

And that doesn’t just apply to the internet in general. It applies especially to social media platforms, which are a ripe platform for marketing.

You’ll find that visits to places like Facebook and YouTube have skyrocketed over the past few weeks, simply as a way to kill time in quarantine.

And this leads to more opportunities for content creation. More people are watching, and they’re spending time doing so.

Sounds like a recipe for content marketing success, right?


Third – A Chance to Expand Online

Let’s say your business operates offline, only using the internet to attract clients and followers.

If you’re working offline, the coronavirus pandemic should’ve hit you hard. Because with quarantine, no one’s showing up to enjoy your services!

As a result, to keep your business afloat, you might need to expand online. And the coronavirus pandemic is the perfect chance to do that!



Let’s say you’re operating an offline clothing store – and you’ve got to sell (at least to keep your business name afloat).

With coronavirus around, you can start an online store.

And your launch should be easy, especially considering the reduced competition (as seen from the first point)!

To add, launching online isn’t expensive too. You can do so on dimes, where digital marketing is traditionally more affordable than offline marketing.

And who knows? Maybe selling your products online might be your number outlet, instead of operating offline!

The Takeaway

Take the following John Adams quote as an example…

“Every problem is an opportunity in disguise.”

The coronavirus pandemic is a disaster. But with foresight, you’ll see that it means less competition, less advertising prices, and faster results.

There’s nothing more to wait for. Seize the digital and content marketing opportunities, and enjoy an opportune success!


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